Chatbots in Hiring and Their Impact on Global Recruitment and HR Tech

Chatbots are important because you won’t feel stupid asking important questions. Sometimes talking to someone can be a bit intimidating. Talking to a chatbot makes that a lot easier!”

There are usually three metrics that matter most when you talk about recruitment – the time spent in hiring, cost of hiring and the employee retention rate (of deserving / high potential staff). Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, and other business and economic challenges, the HR industry has had another challenge to face – managing and interacting well with a remote workforce and with global candidates while being remote. 

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70% of today’s organizations have now opted for virtual recruitment methods supported by artificial intelligence, robotic process automation and machine learning to cope up with the changing requirements of the business and industry. Amidst these, the implementation of HR chatbots in AI technology has simplified things for HR managers. 

Robotic automation powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning ushers in better recruitment practices. These technologies have transformed the conventional HR approaches. Today, the intervention of chatbots in recruitment not only simplifies the process, but also ensures that the right candidate has been sourced in time and screened properly.

How can a Robot Recruit? 

Have you heard of Robot Vera? Robot Vera is designed with technology to help conduct interviews, screen resumes like humans do. The results received are 10X faster. The AI firm launched the Robot a few years ago but it is already helping HR teams at organizations like PepsiCo and L’Oréal with their HR processes. 

While recruiters create detailed job descriptions, Vera scours across all the job sites to filter and screen resumes. Vera takes it forward from there and schedules calls, talks to the candidates and screens them with the help of its voice recognition feature. Where a human recruiter gets tired after some 50 calls, Vera can easily make thousands of calls a day without any breaks or intermissions. Having this bot in any organization would mean a simplified recruitment, leaving time for the recruiters to pay attention to other strategic corners of the new recruitment. Lately, bots have proven to be beneficial, time saving and effective in recruitment.

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How does AI perform in Recruitment? 

Chat Bots cuts the mundane

The bots work on the basis of the inherent advanced analytics and these analytics, in turn, are driving improvements in business processes. With respect to recruitment, several AI focused solutions such as chatbots cut the mundane and burdensome tasks associated with sourcing and talent recruitment. For instance, the AI based recruitment app Headstart can screen cover letters with the help of its machine learning models designed for the novel requirements of the organizations. 

Bias is removed

We can understand this by taking the example of an AI based recruitment service company, This Way Global. The tool is more than just a matching tool and it utilizes several machine-learning algorithms to scour through resumes with the job descriptions and match the candidates accordingly. The human element is not completely discarded; the initial 70% of the process such as sourcing and screening is done by This Way Global and the rest 30% of interviewing and relationship building is accomplished by the recruiters. 

A unique blend of AI and Humanity

Many organizations fear that AI and the bots are completely going to reduce the requirements of humans in jobs like recruitment, but this will not happen because there are places where human intervention is still important. AI powered bots are doing a commendable job in recruitment and are also going further in several areas of HR tech, but everyone in the industry is anticipating a blend of humanity with such advanced technologies. These technologies do outperform humans in functions such a sourcing and recruiting candidates, but there is always a need of a well-trained human expert to finalize the decision. 

Final Words

From simply screening the candidates to scheduling interviews, managing training and development, employee engagement and maintaining transparency across teams, modern technologies are not only helping the HR teams manage their virtual hires, but are adding a bit more to the entire HR Tech. Today, every recruiter is inclined towards the technology-based solutions to convert the dull and mundane recruitment process into interactive, efficient and time saving. The tools such as chatbots are a boon to the modern recruiters.

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What’s  your favorite HR chatbot? 

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