Can Employees Help Lead the Way out of this Covid-19 Crisis?

A crisis is a good time to bring out your core strengths and leadership skills.

The one consistent outcome of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has been the multitude of challenges on the business and personal front. While companies across sectors and the global workforce in its entirety has taken steps to adjust to this changing new normal mainly by transitioning to a stronger remote work model, on the whole, teams and revenue leaders have been pushed to find new ways to ensure business continuity while driving the efforts of their staff.

There is nothing set in stone and no ready playbook for anyone to refer to while dealing with this ongoing crisis, at best, companies and worldwide teams can come together and learn from each other’s innovations and tips in order to tackle this challenging time and come out both healthier and stronger, from a business (and personal!) point of view.

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While the Covid-19 pandemic has changed how the workforce is approaching their jobs and tasks while working from home, teams in which employees across the hierarchy are playing an active role in helping their companies deal with this crisis and change will be in a better position to come out the other side stronger.

Here’s how Employees Can Help their Companies Get Through the Crisis!

  • Working as One Team: Supporting Colleagues

The onus falls on business leaders across the hierarchy during a challenging time, to keep motivation levels high and morale strong. However, business leaders are faced with the challenge of ensuring business continuity too, during a downtime such as the one being experienced during this Covid-19 pandemic.

This is where employees across the chain can take some of the burden off the shoulders of their business heads by trying to collaborate more with colleagues and supporting them through their difficulties when it comes to achieving work goals. When each team member ensures they are helping the other one out with tasks that are becoming a challenge, they are in a way contributing to achieving the overall business goals. The Covid-19 situation has caused challenges on many levels and of different kinds. Now is the time to stop being judgmental and start building better team spirit and team bonds, especially at a time when face to face interactions are already pretty limited.  In order for companies to successfully tide through this time, teams will have to work closely together to ensure a better business result and outcome.

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  • Everyone on the Team Should Be A Marketer!

It’s hard to find a co-worker who won’t have a live profile on networking sites today, irrespective of whether they actively use it or not. The biggest impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic are being felt by marketing, sales, revenue and finance teams.

Employees can come to the forefront during this time by being a little more active across their social channels, by being a voice for their company’s product and service. Sharing business updates, talking about new innovations, discussing ways to collaborate better during this global downtime are some ways to get started. Being active on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter for instance and adding a voice to your company’s existing online marketing efforts is a small but sure way to try to keep up brand image and presence. Keep in mind, while marketing and sales activities are not moving as fast as before, things will pick up pace again and prospects are going to want to resume business deals and conversations with those companies that have managed to stay top of mind (in their mind!) during this downtime. The  best way to stay in the minds of your company’s prospects during a downtime is to stay active on social media, and develop business relationships. Employees can be the best advocates for their company!

  • Boost your Own Productivity

Business leaders have a slew of HR Technologies and online tools available to them to help assess and boost employee productivity. But during a global downturn, efforts have to be doubled, and more work needs to be done in a shorter time frame.

If there is a redundant step in any process or if there are more tasks that can be automated,  employees across the hierarchy can find a way to employ the use of tools to do so, in order to use that time they save on another crucial activity. The best part about the multitude of HR Tech and other collaboration tools that are available today are – there is no dearth to what these technologies can do for you or rather, what they can help you do.

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  • Identify Ways to Make Money, Reduce Costs

While some companies have been successful in achieving new funding rounds and generating a profit during the last quarter while the Covid-19 pandemic led to complete lockdowns, now is the time that companies, teams, economies are trying to reopen activities and restructure their strategies for the rest of the year. Marketing and Sales teams are using this time to reassess how they can sell effectively for the remaining quarters of this fiscal.

Employees can contribute by trying to reduce operational overheads and costs during this time, they can also try to identify new revenue streams, especially in cases where they work closely on developing a product.

  • Being Safe and Maintaining the Basic Covid-19 Principles

While most countries affected by the Covid-19 lockdowns the last quarter are now slowly opening up businesses, sectors and their economies, the fact that the Covid-19 threat is still at large cannot be forgotten. By staying safe and implementing the right social distancing and precautionary health measures, employees can effectively work with their teams on achieving business goals for the rest of the year. Keeping the illness and risk of Covid-19 at bay is a responsibility for everyone, not only for business continuity but also to help STOP the spread of the pandemic.

So while you wash your hands, wear a mask and keep a physical distance from everyone, what else will you do to help your company tide through these rough times?

Business Continuity PlansCOVID-19HR TechHR TechnologyRemote Worksocial distancing
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