WebMD Health Services Announces Employee Engagement Solution Returns to Its Iconic Brand Name, TINYpulse

Organizations that leverage TINYpulse to show employees they are listening and acting on feedback find their employees feel valued and heard—essential elements to creating a winning culture.

WebMD Health Services announces the reintroduction of the TINYpulse brand, continuing its steadfast commitment to advance tools and insights that help organizations create the ultimate culture of employee engagement and well-being, while delivering a solution that clients know and trust. With more than 15 years in the industry, TINYpulse by WebMD Health Services (previously Limeade Listening) built a reputation synonymous with helping organizations create a culture of employee feedback in the workplace while optimizing engagement. Studies show that when organizations provide well-being programs alongside a supportive culture, increased employee engagement and productivity follow.

TINYpulse by WebMD Health Services is the leading employee engagement and feedback solution, empowering companies around the world to leverage data insights on what employees are thinking and feeling to improve company culture, increase employee retention and enhance performance. Organizations that leverage TINYpulse to show employees they are listening and acting on feedback find their employees feel valued and heard—essential elements to creating a winning culture. Through its suite of science-backed capabilities, the TINYpulse solution will continue to support leaders in understanding their teams, making better decisions, and increasing communication, transparency, and recognition in the workplace.

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“In today’s workplace, the importance of company culture cannot be underestimated. As we look at how employees experience work and life, trends such as silent quitting, well-being washing, record high levels of stress, and ongoing mental health concerns are important reminders that we need to do more to engage employees, take an anonymous pulse on their needs and continue to evolve a culture of well-being and engagement,” said Christine Muldoon, SVP of Marketing, WebMD Health Services. “We know how vital consistent and active listening is to an organization’s success and we’re excited to empower leaders and managers to build a culture using employee feedback as its foundation. Organizations can take bigger steps in linking workplace well-being, employee engagement and workplace culture together. You can’t really succeed in one without considering the others. It is the full package for a successful 2024 workplace strategy.”

Rebranding back to TINYpulse allows WebMD to continue to move the needle in the employee engagement space and advance the insights, tools and communications to optimize engagement. Active listening is vital to an organization’s success. Providing feedback channels, enhancing onboarding support and providing peer-to-peer recognition are what help organizations understand team members and make better decisions.

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 [To share your insights with us, please write to  pghosh@itechseries.com ] 

Employee EngagementTINYpulse brandWebMDWebMD Health Services