Organizations Must Effectively Manage Employee Workload or Risk Increased Disengagement and Turnover: New Resource From McLean & Company

Global HR research and advisory firm McLean & Company, the HR division of Info-Tech Research Group, has released a new guide for HR leaders. The resource provides the information and tools needed to avoid significant organizational risks stemming from ineffective workload management through measuring employee workload and resolving challenges across different levels of the organization.

As the employee experience is increasingly recognized as a critical priority of organizational success, organizations must consider the many elements of their employees’ day-to-day experiences, including workload. According to the HR Guide to Measuring Workload, a new industry resource from global HR research and advisory firm McLean & Company, organizations play a critical role in optimizing workload across individuals, teams, and functions. However, many organizations struggle to effectively distribute work, which presents significant risks for employees and the organization, such as elevated disengagement and turnover. On the other end of the spectrum, the firm reports that employees who report having a reasonable workload are two times more likely to be engaged in their work.

According to McLean & Company, HR leaders play an integral and strategic role in guiding their organizations toward long-term organizational success, including providing expertise and direction in their efforts to improve the employee experience. The firm’s new guide has been designed to support HR leaders seeking to optimize workload through intentional workload measurement and informed, targeted interventions.

“Workload optimization requires more than a band-aid solution. For meaningful change to happen, organizations must address underlying causes rather than treat the symptoms of workload challenges,” says Grace Ewles, director of HR Research & Advisory Services at McLean & Company. “It may seem like a daunting task, but achieving optimal workload isn’t always about eliminating work. Rather, it’s about striking a balance and finding the right amount of workload for each employee at a given time. Being intentional about achieving optimal workload helps avoid the risks of burnout and boredom, which can lead to disengagement or loss of talent.”

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McLean & Company’s guide is divided into three sections that address key areas of focus and consideration for HR leaders as they seek to understand and measure workload and its challenges. The sections are outlined below:

  1. Introduction to workload. The first section in the newly published resource defines workload, identifies several factors that influence workload, and provides an overview of workload measurement.
  2. Workload measures. Section two describes the key components for intentional workload measurement and spotlights various measures used for workload measurement, including subjective, performance, and physiological measures.
  3. Recommended interventions. The third and final section presents an overview of workload interventions at the organizational, team, and individual levels.

As HR leaders consider workload challenges and potential solutions, McLean & Company advises that effort and resources are best allocated when organizations dive deep into underlying causes, truly understand what is driving workload challenges, and select interventions appropriately. Given the dynamic nature of workload, a highly impactful intervention today risks losing effectiveness tomorrow, so being proactive in monitoring workload and adjusting interventions accordingly helps ensure organizations consistently support their employees in achieving an optimal workload.

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Employee ExperienceHR researchMcLean & Companyorganizational successOrganizationsWorkloadworkload measurement