The Ken Blanchard Companies Releases Kenbot™ for SLII

The Ken Blanchard Companies Releases Kenbot™ for SLII

The Ken Blanchard Companies®, a global leader in management training, consulting, and coaching,  announced the release of Kenbot™ for SLII® — a chatbot that helps learners apply and master leadership skills taught in SLII, the world’s most widely used leadership training program. It is the first in a series of chatbots that will support other Blanchard® solutions.

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Kenbot for SLII teaches leaders how to build meaningful connections with coworkers that create exponential impact. It extends and reinforces SLII’s key content by:

  • Providing answers to FAQs and links to relevant videos, tools, etc.
  • Creates opportunities for sharing ideas and insights with other users
  • Sends reminders on key tasks like One on One conversations

Kenbot for SLII supports Microsoft Teams, Slack, Facebook, WebChat, and other platforms. It works with any mobile device that supports text messaging.

Blanchard partnered with Mobile Coach to create Kenbot for SLII. Mobile Coach is the leading enterprise software service platform for designing chatbots.

“We’re thrilled to provide the chatbot technology that powers Kenbot for SLII. It will help learners more fully benefit from this world-class training,” said Vince Han, CEO and founder of Mobile Coach.

Delta Dental is using Kenbot for SLII to support the program. James Sigismonti, manager of leadership development, shared: “We envision the leadership language of SLII embedding itself, supporting employee engagement, and driving performance. We’re already seeing the benefits of delivering just-in-time learning.”

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chatbotscoachingconsultingHR Technologymanagement trainingMicrosoftNEWSSLIIThe Ken Blanchard
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