Glassdoor Launches Advanced Filters to Find Companies Highly Rated for Work/Life Balance, Diversity & Inclusion and More

Glassdoor Users Can Now Search for Companies by Workplace Factors or Demographic Group Ratings

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Glassdoor, the worldwide leader on insights about jobs and companies, launched advanced filters for Company Explorer, a tool that allows people to easily search for companies based on location, industry, company size, overall company rating and more. With the new advanced filters, users can customize their job search by workplace factor ratings such as Work/Life Balance, Culture & Values, Diversity & Inclusion and more, or by overall ratings from demographic groups including Race/Ethnicity, Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation and more. The advanced filtering capabilities allow job seekers to easily search for companies based on millions of insights publicly available on Glassdoor.

According to a new Glassdoor survey conducted by The Harris Poll, 43% of U.S. employees have witnessed or experienced discrimination (e.g., racism, ageism, sexism, homophobia) at work and 30% say their current employer does not match their values. When it comes to searching for a job and company to work for, 36% of employees ages 18-44 say diversity & inclusion policies/practices are an important factor. Glassdoor’s new advanced filtering capabilities can help match job seekers with companies that align to their unique experiences and values.

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“Glassdoor is deeply committed to leveraging our products and resources to help achieve equity in and out of the workplace,” said Christian Sutherland-Wong, Glassdoor Chief Executive Officer. “We know that each individual job seeker has different values driving their job search, from healthier work/life balance to career growth, to being able to compare ratings of different employee demographic groups. The new advanced filters for Company Explorer aim to make it easier for people to uncover companies that align with their unique values and experiences, and can help them make even more informed decisions about where to work.”

The advanced filters come at a time when more than 1 in 3 employees (35%) believe it would be difficult to find an employer that aligns with their values. These advanced filters help job seekers expand their company search in two core areas:

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  • By Workplace Factor Ratings: Glassdoor users can search for companies by filtering Glassdoor’s workplace factor ratings. These workplace factor ratings include Overall Rating, Career Opportunities, Compensation and Benefits, Culture & Values, Diversity & Inclusion, Senior Management or Work/Life Balance. These advanced filters by workplace factor ratings are available in the U.S. and across all 23 Glassdoor global domains.
  • By Employee Demographic Ratings: Glassdoor users can search for companies by filtering overall ratings from demographics groups. These demographic groups include Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Parent of Family Caregiver, People with Disabilities, Sexual Orientation or Veterans. These advanced filters by overall ratings from demographics groups are only available in the U.S.

When users apply the advanced filters to their search, the results will display the companies that closely match their search criteria. For instance, if filtering companies by LGBTQ+ employee ratings, the results will display companies that are highly rated according to LGBTQ+ employees and also have a high number of current job openings on Glassdoor.

According to the Glassdoor survey, nearly 3 in 4 (71%) of employees say work/life balance is an important workplace factor when it comes to searching for jobs and companies to work for, and we’re seeing companies like Salesforce, Johnson & Johnson and Hubspot rank highly for work/life balance when using these advanced filters. The survey also revealed that 70% of employees say compensation & benefits is an important workplace factor when searching for jobs and companies to work for, followed by career growth (58%) and company culture & values (44%).

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DiversityEmployeesGlassdoorJob SeekersWork-life Balance
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