The Next Frontier in HR Tech: AI, Analytics, Metaverse, and Much More…

As the business world continues to evolve and technology becomes more integrated into our daily lives, human resources professionals must also adapt. The next frontier of HR tech is no exception; with the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), analytics, and even metaverses – virtual worlds – it’s a brave new world for those who work in this field. In this article, we will explore what these technologies mean for HR professionals today. 

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What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is predominantly a technological tool that strives to assist us in fixing cognitive problems and enable machines to “think like humans.” Its key components are as follows: high-speed computation via sophisticated automated algorithms in handling and processing massive data volumes Today, two fundamental technologies drive Artificial Intelligence: machine learning and deep learning.

Machine Learning

This is a category of artificial intelligence that allows for the creation and prediction of data patterns and thus aids in decision-making. It is the idea that algorithms can learn from recorded data without being explicitly programmed to do so. Key applications of machine learning in the HR context include:

  • Employee Attrition Research: Identify employees who are at high risk of leaving, allowing HR to engage in discussions with them and retain them.
  • Customized Feeds: Provide a customized user experience by recommending career options and training programs based on predictive analysis.
  • Identifying anomalies in data: Identify events and assessments in the database that do not conform to a specific pattern.

Deep Learning

It is a more enhanced version of machine learning that uses neural network architecture to comprehend large amounts of data. Deep learning defines and configures basic parameters around data before allowing the computer to gain knowledge on its own via patterns. It can handle much larger and more complex data sets. Deep learning applications in the HR context include:

Voice Recognition: While it is difficult to understand different human dialects and tonalities, deep learning algorithms can detect and react to human voice inputs, ensuring problem resolution.

Chatbots: NLP (Natural Language Processing) teaches chatbots to interpret language, tone, and context, and is rapidly becoming a powerful tool for automating HR service delivery.

Applications of AI in Human Resource

Some of the most important applications of artificial intelligence in human resource functions could be as below: 

Talent Acquisition

Talent acquisition is the foundation of the HR function because it encompasses bringing in new talent to the team, which will lead to the organization’s potential growth and expansion. In today’s business, the recruitment process is critical. AI can be used in a variety of ways during the recruitment process, such as;

  • Creating simple forms for job applicants to fill out
  • Candidates are initially screened based on inputs such as experience, education, and willingness to relocate.
  • Maintain the entire candidate database
  • Analyze the existing pool of candidates and identify those who are qualified for the new position that is being created.
  • Interview scheduling
  • AI-powered Chatbots can track down and contact potential candidates.

Using these methods, the recruitment and selection process would be cut short and much more time saved, allowing the HR team to focus on other essential tasks that would increase an organization’s productivity.


Onboarding is a critical process because it is the experience that a new employee receives from the organization. It is an insinuation that team members will never forget. Some of the ways AI can help HR improve the onboarding process are as follows:

  • Consolidated AI systems will assist new employees in understanding organizational values, principles, and other important organizational information.
  • AI will aid in the automation of administrative tasks such as form filling, login creation, and so on.
  • AI-powered digital assistants can improve the entire onboarding process by proactively guiding new team members and suggesting the next steps, allowing the entire process to ramp up quickly.
  • It can suggest to new hires any learning course that matches his or her skill set until the new hire’s project is completed.

Employee Experience

Personalized feedback surveys, real-time feedback, employee recognition systems, and other employee engagement tasks can be aided by artificial intelligence technology. Based on these programs, HR can more accurately assess team members’ satisfaction and/or involvement than in the past. Through these programs, HR can even predict which team members are likely to resign, allowing the HR team to apply retention strategies proactively, and reduce attrition.

Deploying AI-powered chatbots to provide real-time answers to team members can improve their experience. Employees can simply type their questions into the chatbot, and it will respond with an answer. This is possible for frequently asked questions and Basic Benefits.

Career Development

In today’s speculative environment, companies must retain their talent, and this strategic approach should be used, with career development being one of the most important factors. Team members should be offered various learning and development programs that are advantageous to both the individual and the organization. Here are a few examples of how AI could aid team members’ career development:

  • AI-powered software can recommend personally tailored courses to team members who necessitate the business and will also boost team morale.
  • AI can collect performance data for each team member. This data can be reviewed, and specific skill gaps, if any, can be identified. In such cases, team members can be given clarity and necessary training or learning programs can be recommended. This, in turn, will encourage team learning.


AI will improve the working strategies of trainers and project leaders in a company because it will assist and develop trainees. The AI will assess the framework of the leader’s characteristics by asking questions of the employees of their respective teams and will provide them with the talents they lack or the traits they must adapt.

Second, by reviewing the dashboard, leaders can analyze themselves and improve their skill sets in response to workplace demands.

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Deploying AI in HR

AI, like any other technology, must be used with caution when deploying. We have listed some of the factors to keep in mind when deploying artificial intelligence in human resources:

  • Real-time and reliable data is essential for successful AI outcomes. As a result, it is critical to first obtain the correct data and then ensure that the output-driven goal is clear.
  • The AI ecosystem is unlike any other in the IT world. Certain skills and techniques are required for implementation. The HR team must exercise caution when gathering appropriate data sources, as well as cleaning and curating them.
  • It is critical to comprehend and comprehend the insights to be driven. As a result, there needs to be visibility and instruction concerning how to recognize and act on appropriate patterns.
  • AI may achieve precise and impartial results based on the algorithms and logic fed into the system. The company must ensure the accuracy of the data, and keep in mind that AI will only do what the user instructs it to do; it cannot make decisions on its own.

Understanding HR Analytics

Human Resource Analytics (HR Analytics) is a specialized branch of analytics that applies processes such as modeling and statistics to human capital within a company in order to enhance employee performance and retention, resulting in favorable business outcomes and a higher return on investment.

Significance of HR Analytics

HR analytics is predominantly data-driven. It enables human resource professionals to collect, organize, and analyze HR data related to functions such as recruiting, managing, engaging, and retaining the best talent in order to make better decisions in these areas.

HR departments generate massive amounts of data on a daily basis using software and technology. The main goal, however, is to correctly interpret the data and capitalize on the incredible insight gained from it. The following are some of the benefits of HR analytics:

Enhances HR performance

One major factor that can improve HR performance is better decision-making. HR analytics is essential because of the growing demand for data, which enables it.

Identify the best performers

Accessing and analyzing data pertaining to a company’s workforce can provide critical insights. The identification of the highest-performing employees within a company is a prime example of this.

Assess attrition and its causes

Employee data can identify and reveal departmental units experiencing high attrition, patterns of attrition, commonalities, and root causes.

Forecast in-demand skills and organizational positions

Data from HR analytics can assist you as a practitioner in accurately determining skill and positional requirements within your company.

HR’s role as a strategic partner is transformed

The HR department is in a unique position to shape personnel matters within a company thanks to HR analytics. This happens because employee data provides valuable insight, greatly empowering human resources. HR can provide the company executive with accurate, tested, and verifiable data to support policies governing employee recruitment, retention, and engagement.

Ways to Use HR Analytics Strategy in Human Resources

The human workforce is a company’s most valuable but also the most expensive asset, accounting for 40% to 80% of the total company budget. HR analytics can help HR professionals better support their organizations by maximizing recruitment strategies while preserving hiring costs manageable while also hiring top talent. Among the most effective ways to apply HR analytics strategy in human resources are:

Employee incentive recommendation

Incentives are used to attract and retain top talent. Analytics data can assist HR in determining which incentives will be most beneficial.

Improved new employee training

Once hired by a company, new employees are frequently subjected to training. Such training programs can yield valuable data, as can the performance of new employees during their initial few months and survey responses from new employees. Human resources can recognize both effective and ineffective areas in the company’s training program once all of the sources are combined. This data can then be utilized to not only improve training but also to identify areas where employees fall short.

Retention of top talent

Staff feedback is the most important metric. HR is the company’s first point of contact when it comes to how they feel and what they require to succeed. The use of predictive and prescriptive analytics software enables an organization to easily and quickly sort huge amounts of data, gain useful insight into employee perspectives, and then take proactive measures to meet and retain top talent.

Types of HR Analytics

Beyond all reasonable doubt, talent is a key indicator of an organization’s success. A company’s ability to attract, manage, and leverage resources is a long-term indicator of its success.

Every manager should be familiar with at least five types of HR analytics.

Organizational Culture Analytic

Culture refers to the unspoken collective norms that govern behavior, ethics, and patterns of human behavior in an organizational setting. As a result, organizational culture analytics is a method of judging and better understanding your workplace culture. You can track noticeable changes if you have a thorough understanding of this. As a result, you can detect early warning signs that the culture is becoming unpleasant.

Capacity Analytics

Capacity has an effect on revenue. Capacity analytics allows you to confirm your workforce’s operational efficiency. A company may specialize in laundry, but an analysis can reveal that the majority of the time is spent on meetings rather than on the primary function of laundry. This type of behavioral analysis will aid in determining how much growth potential each individual possesses.

Employee Churn Analytics

This helps determine your workforce turnover rate. Data analysis that is predictive in this regard can help predict future trends and minimize attrition. Data from the past, known as historical employee churn, details the employee churn rate from the start of employment. Both predictive and historical churn data are required to properly determine employee churn analytics.

Leadership Analytics

Leadership analytics examines the various aspects of workplace leadership effectiveness. This encompasses an individual’s entire range of strengths and weaknesses. This assessment is critical because poor leadership is practically nonexistent and results in revenue loss, time loss, and employee churn.

As a result, the company will not reach its full potential, and employee retention will be dismal. Both quantitative and qualitative research can provide the data needed for leadership analytics. This entails a combination of methods such as polls, focus groups, surveys, or demographic research.

Capability Analytics

The level of expertise of personnel and their combined skill pool will determine a company’s success. Capability analytics refers to the talent management process that assists you in identifying your workforce’s core competencies. Once determined, these can be set as a benchmark, compared to your staff’s capabilities, and any gaps identified.

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The Essential Characteristics of an HR Analytics Solution

  1. They respond to the C-business suite’s inquiries. This may necessitate investing in a solution to address each question, which may necessitate investing in various analytics solutions for granular data on each question. You could also go with a unified solution that can evaluate multiple benchmarks to answer each business query.
  2. They are simple to use, even for non-data scientists. A user-friendly solution designed for laypeople is ideal when they want to evaluate one or more metrics without disrupting the data scientist’s workflow.
  3. They are hosted in the cloud rather than on-premise. A cloud-based solution also improves accessibility without requiring extensive IT integration. This gives HR the freedom to employ the solution as needed.
  4. They are supported by statistical analysis and machine learning technology. Big data platforms necessitate sophisticated data management systems that rely on machine learning and natural language processing. This enables the technology to learn and reason on its own, providing informative insights that data scientists can then investigate.
  5. They are supported by visualization technology. The visualization of massive amounts of data can help people understand trends and events better. Because complex data cannot be displayed in simple charts and presentations, it needs sophisticated visualization software when processed by an analytics engine.
  6. They are available on a subscription basis. Subscription services for software as a service (SaaS) platforms are advantageous because they provide easy access to the most recent technological advancements. They also avoid the large upfront cost of acquiring an analytics solution and may be a more cost-effective way of investing in analytics.

What is the Metaverse?

While you’ve probably heard the term, chances are you’re not sure what it is, let alone what it means for HR. If you ask a dozen people, even if they’re all tech experts, what the metaverse is, you’ll probably get a dozen different answers.

Justin Parry, co-founder, and COO of Immerse, a virtual reality (VR) technology and solutions company, provides a practical way to think about the metaverse and its possible ramifications for HR. He describes it as “a richer and more immersive version of everything the Web and mobile currently have to offer.”

In a nutshell, the metaverse is an immersive alternate reality. It’s an alternate reality that, as Chris Madsen, the business development function lead at Engage, puts it, “is a persistent space that exists whether anyone is in there or not.” He claims that with the metaverse, “the Web will become a 3D experience,” one that can be enjoyed on any screen, from phones and tablets to laptops and desktop computers.

“The metaverse allows organizations to leave a permanent footprint on the Web, where people can come in and experience that company’s culture, services, and products in a new way—an experiential, spatial way,” Madsen explained.

That may be frightening for some. Others find it exhilarating. It will open up new avenues of communication with customers, clients, and employees for many businesses.

Practical Applications of the Metaverse for Businesses

Consider the following for HR leaders and businesses interested in getting a glimpse of the real-world applications of the metaverse:

  • Virtual job fairs: Candidates can interact with prospective employers and get a sense of the kind of business they would be working for.
  • Interviews and assessments: A good example of this is mass recruitment for a retail assistant position. Candidates can engage with simulated customers in-store (virtually) and have their competencies assessed.
  • Meetings and one-on-ones: Both individual and group discussions will become significantly more immersive, helping employees to concentrate on the task at hand.
  • Virtual collaboration spaces: Unlike a traditional office, real estate is less expensive. As a result, large collaborative spaces can be created in which users can write or showcase ideas in front of their colleagues.
  • Social events: Consider virtual concerts, entertainment, and other corporate events.
  • Training: On-demand interactive digital learning atmospheres. To prepare employees, you can transport them to a space where they can train through interaction and run through real-world scenarios.

The Metaverse and Hybrid Work

Enhancing fledgling hybrid working systems could be a priority use case for the metaverse. Many employees are currently working from home, and workplaces have attempted to replicate the office experience virtually, but most have been unsuccessful.

One reason for this is the prevalence of technological tools required to make hybrid work possible. Although video conferencing is now commonplace in the workplace, employees experiencing ‘Zoom fatigue’ is a common complaint.

By fusing existing tools and experiences, a metaverse-like experience could look to solve these hybrid work headaches. Employees may be able to better communicate and collaborate together in virtual spaces if the lines between real-world and virtual work are blurred.

Furthermore, through the metaverse, employees could more conveniently take jobs in different cities or countries, with their employer virtually onboarding them while still providing a real-world-like experience.

Workers’ lives have already become more flexible as a result of hybrid working, and the metaverse has the potential to take this to the next level.


Artificial intelligence, analytics, and the metaverse are all exciting new technologies that businesses and HR departments should be aware of. While the opportunities it can provide are still in their infancy, businesses that take the time to consider the practical applications and the opportunity to use this technology to improve interaction within their company will be ahead of the competition when it comes to reaping the benefits.

And, in today’s world, where meeting employee demands are more essential than ever, businesses must do everything possible to stay ahead of what could be the next big thing.

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