DeepBrain AI Announces Video Interview Tool to Innovate HR Process

Organizations are evaluating Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for various HR processes. Using a video AI tool for interview is the latest development in the industry. DeepBrain, an AI-based video generator, announced it would launch “DeepBrain AI Interview” next week. In an email sent to us through a subscribed newsletter, DeepBrain wrote: “We are finally launching AI Interview service on Product Hunt! AI interview service can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment process, leading to better hiring decisions and a more positive (c)andidate experience.”

The new AI product would allow recruiters to set up interviews with candidate and analyze their attitude and behavior using different kinds of measurements.

Why AI for Hiring? 

Hiring is a long and technically complex process that involves multiple stages of screening, selecting and interviewing candidates from different backgrounds and locations. Most hiring managers have a hard time interviewing selected candidates due to constraints such as location, traveling and unavailability of interviewer. It could take weeks and months to close a position, considering these challenges. By deploying AI in hiring, companies could be simplifying their human activities, and focus more on building a credible and personalized interaction with selected candidates.

A company like DeepBrain has thought of a way to solve at least one problem for recruiters in their HR process. DeepBrain would be launching new AI video generator tool specifically for recruiters to interview candidates.

What is an AI Video Generator?

Video production is a time-consuming process, and it takes more time to edit the video sequences than what it actually takes to shoot them. In most cases, depending on the length of the video, it could take more than 36 hours to shoot the video, and 30-60 minutes of additional time to edit every minute of that video. Artificial Intelligence makes this process incredibly simpler and faster. Tools like DeepMind help in generating professional quality videos based on generative AI capabilities.

The soon-to-be announced DeepBrain AI interview could be used to create HR-centric videos to interact with candidates. These could use AI avatars that represent the company’s hiring team, read out scripted questions using text-t0-video generators, and add hand and facial gestures to engage the candidates during the video interview.

We are speculating that the HR video interview tool would carry traces of ChatGPT functionalities. ChatGPT is a LLM platform that creates engaging AI-powered content based on user prompt. With specific human inputs, ChatGPT could improve the way hiring managers and recruiters set up telephonic and video interviews with the candidates. By throwing in AI video in the mix, the whole hiring process becomes more immersive and educational for all participants.

A tool like DeepBrain comes with many features for setting up recruiter-level AI video interviews with candidates. For example, you can build out a screening template in multiple languages. You could also showcase your DE&I initiatives by choosing AI avatars that represent your corporate identity and branding. Moreover, AI video generators speak in a tone that has a soothing effect on the candidates. With so much happening with AI and its generative capabilities, it is definitely worth a try in hiring and recruiting processes.

Trivia: The video AI generator syncs with AWS servers to create the engaging video content you see on DeepBrain AI! 


So, would you like to try a AI-based video generator tool like DeepBrain AI Interview for your HR process?

Write to us and share your insights.


AI in HiringAI in HRAI videoDeepBrainHR TechnologyVideo interviews